Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Wonderland

The snow drifts are high and the sun is shining - a perfect day for skiing. Although our family won't be hitting the slopes for a month or so, Jim and his friends will heading to Sugarloaf this weekend. Let's hope the skiing conditions remain perfect for them...
In the meantime, I look forward to starting my new book club book tonight Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian. Last night I finished Jumpstart the World by CatherinA very strange young adult that addresses a number of issues, the most prominent of which is transgenders.

Elle is a fifteen year old girl who is living on her own in an apartment because her Mom's new boyfriend doesn't care for her. Elle meets Frank (formerly Frannie) and immediately develops a crush on him. The story spans a few months in which a lot happens. Whenever I read a book, I am always thinking of which of our customers would enjoy it. This book has stumped me. I cannot pinpoint exactly who would like this - perhaps a very mature high school student who likes off beat stories.

We are off to Eliza's first-ever basketball game and then to Daniel's hockey game. I guess supper will be pb & j on pita in the van on the way to the rink. As my friend's mother once told her, every meal does not have to be an occasion!!

Happy Reading!
Mary Ann

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