Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's graduation time...

Only One You

Written and Illustrated by Linda Kranz

Recommended for those moving on…

Rising Moon Books $16.95

It’s that time of year again…children of all ages moving on to different stages in their life. Although none of our children are graduating as such, our oldest son is moving on to middle school. Here he will thrive, make new friends and no doubt learn all kinds of interesting things. Our hope is that he (and of course, our other 3 children as well) will make the world a better place no matter what they decide to do.

In this adorable picture book, Mama and Papa decide that it is time to impart wisdom on their little Adri as he sets out in the sea of life. They remind him that “There’s only one you in this great big world. Make it a better place.” As he sets out on his journey, they tell him many simple truths including “Know when to speak; know when to listen.” and “If something gets in your way, move around it.” and one we all aspire to “set aside some quiet time to relax and reflect every day.” The lessons are simple but invaluable!

Each page shows the rockfish and his parents set against real photographs of the sea implying that there are experiences to be had no matter where your life takes you. The background of vibrant blues are a stunning contrast to the many brightly coloured fish of the sea. Kranz has written another book called Let’s Rock: Rock Painting for Kids which explains the use of rockfish as characters. Very unique indeed!

For those who have someone in their life graduating or moving on to a new stage, this sweet book will fit the bill when it comes to offering advice on life. It all comes down to the basics: Smile often. Slow down and notice details around you. Be kind.

Thanks for introducing us to this book, Heidi!

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